Congrats to newly promoted ETL Marcus Simpson
We want to send our personal congrats to newly promoted ETL, Mr. Marcus Simpson!!
When and if you get a chance to see Marcus, please stop and congratulate him on an amazing job and also to what he has created so far in our incredible opportunity!!
Marcus has come into ACN and quietly become a leaders leader, through the ups and downs of life, he has build an organization spanning a couple Provinces in Western Canada. Remembering he is only 20 years old, it makes this accomplishment even that much more special, but you wouldn't know his age by speaking with him; mature and humble in the same breathe!!!! Marcus came into our company a young teenager and has transformed into a young man, which is so humbling to see!! I can definitely say that we are sooo proud of him!!
Along with all of this Marcus is building this business with his family, as he and his father are both pushing very hard for the next promotion and not forgetting he is also building the business with his mother, who I know is very proud of him; so beautiful to see them building their dreams together!!! I can tell you that I am super excited to see Marcus grow in this company both financial but more important personally, which is the true gift that keeps on giving!!!!
Amongst all the great things Marcus has brought to the table in ACN, the single most profound character is how he treats others; with kindness and respect where matters of the heart are very important to him!! Through whatever happens he conducts himself with integrity and honesty, not only in business but more importantly, personally!!!!
Truth allows you to live with integrity. Everything you do and say shows the world who you really are. Let it be the Truth.
Oprah Winfrey
I have seen what Marcus has brought to the table in ACN, its incredible, now with his leadership everyone will get a chance to see what we already know!!!
Great job bro!!!! Keep it up!!
To Your Success,
Indy Dhaliwal
Team Coordinator